Company Culture

Employee spotlight: an interview with Can Bekleyici

Blog Author


Length of time at Factory Pal: 4 months
B.A. in China Studies at Freie University. Currently pursuing M.Sc. in Information Systems at Freie University
Data Engineer

Tell us a little more about what you do at FactoryPal, and what your day to day looks like.   

I am a Data Engineer working in the Data Science team. We provide optimal centerline recommendations for production lines with our Boost application. My purpose within the team is to develop scalable and resilient data processes and to bridge the gap between engineering and data science, so that our data scientists have all the resources to focus on improving our algorithms.

My typical day starts off with a nice cup of tea, before I get an overview of the running state of our systems. Our team briefly syncs on current projects in the morning, too. Throughout the day, we collaborate on those tasks.

What attracted you to working at FactoryPal?

FactoryPal is tackling challenging problems in smart manufacturing. It is very inspiring and motivating to work with people who are on top of current IoT trends and technologies and also care about making an impact. There’s a lot of thriving, open discussions on different technical and non-technical topics. The whole company culture is built around cross-team collaboration, enabled by the everyone’s strong willingness to help each other.

You’ve been in your role 4 months now. What’s your favorite part about your job?   

My onboarding process at FactoryPal was very smooth, with welcoming events and presentations throughout a whole week. This was a pleasant surprise, as I was expecting to somewhat self-manage my onboarding in a startup. Also, having been trusted with crucial parts of our systems early on made me feel very grateful. Having great mentors also allowed me to learn a lot within the last 4 months. I feel very much integrated into my role and my team.

What’s the best piece of career advice you’ve been given?

“Sit down, be humble” - Kendrick Lamar

When you’re not at work, what can we find you doing? 

In my free time, I like to go for longer walks with my dog. I like to meet up with friends to go work out or play some chess. Throughout the day I’ll be listening to lo-fi or jazz music. I paint with water colours or do some wood carving from time to time. I’m basically an old man trapped in a (slightly younger) old man’s body.